martedì 22 ottobre 2013

Dai ragazzi di 3^A ci giungono alcune riflessioni in inglese, conseguenti alla visione del film Vajont
Prof. Tatiana Bottino

The Vajont tragedy was one of the many ones that could have been avoided if the yearning for money and superficiality hadn't won .The film has caused me strong emotions.Through a couple of lovers involved in the disaster I shared their feelings, their fears, their emotions and their pain.I felt as if I had lost some dear friends for no reason.The feelings that predominated in me were of indignation for the disregard in human life, the sense of hopelessness concerning the accident and the smallness of men in front of the great forces of Nature. Alessandro


I felt anger towards the engineers that built the dam because they knew that the dam was dangerous, but they didn’ t care about it because they were interested only in making money. Moreover I felt sad towards the people of the valley because they lost their houses, their families and everything they had. Andrea



During the vision of the film I felt a deep feeling of sadness. I thought that the people who lived in the Vajont valley had been betrayed by their fellow citizens. Why this? Because the builders of the dam knew about the dangers of the project and that the fate was awaiting them. This made me reflect that men are often selfish and this is the origin of many troubles. One more thought is about Nature and its power which cannot be controlled. I liked this film because it' s a life lesson for those who will watch it. Margherita


Seeing the film affected me a lot, because I saw the tragedy through the eyes of the people who lived it. Since I saw the film I have tried to understand what the people in the past felt about  the Vajont tragedy. The film lasted two hours. I saw the children crying because they lost their homes and had to live in another part of the country. I felt their feelings when they lost their parents, who drowned in the water. Martina


After seeing the movie I was shocked because of the amount of dead people in this tragedy: about two thousand.
      The Vajont's dam was built for electric power. The company who built the dam closed        their eyes in front of mountain's nature(Tok=marcio).
      If they had respected Nature and had been more cautious the people who lived there       would probably be alive today.
     Nobody respected Nature and the company didn't listened to people's complaints. Chiara


After seeing the film, I felt sad because a lot of people died in this tragedy. I felt angry because some people built dams only for economic reasons and not for the security of people.I felt angry also because the people that wanted to build the dam did not ask the dwellers for the permission to build a dam in that place. I'm afraid of the possibility of a collapse of another dam near my place, so I feel weak because you can stop the fire but you can't stop the collapse of a dam. I felt also depressed because the corpses of the dead people were not found, so the family of those people couldn't cry on their grave. I felt angry because I can't forgive the people that permitted the construction of a dam on a mountain with a friable ground. I hope that a tragedy like this one won't happen again especially near my place, because I don't want to survive without my family.  Francesco


I didn’t know the story and I was very impressed. I was impressed for a lot of things: One of this is the power of money for people because they haven’t thought about the effect but only about their interest. The second one, I was very sad to see people and a lot of children die and also see the survivors looking for their family after the disaster. The last one, I agree with the survivors who said: “We will never forgive them for this tragedy.” At the end of the film I was crying because I thought how I would feel in that situation. Camilla


When the film finished I felt very sad because the protagonist died. She was very young. I was very sad because a lot of bad things happened due to men’s interests. On 9th October 1963 a lot of innocent people died. I think this is wrong because they were opposed to the building of the dam. I’m very resentful towards those people who worked for the dam only for money. Today, a lot of people cry and suffer because they lost their family due to the optimism of some men. (Vittoria Gallavotti)


After watching the film I felt very sad. I was very impressed by the hight of the wave. The wave was five hundred metres. I imagined of losing my family and my house and my friends. I thought about it when I went to sleep that night and about what it would be to wake up the following morning having lost my town. Riccardo


 While seeing the movie I understood a lot of things: the trust in your boss, the pain, the hope, etc. etc… After seeing the film I understood that money can confuse the mind of men and it was also the reason of the disaster because, if the dam hadn’t been built, the disaster would not have happened. After the end of the film I started thinking about the pain of the victims but also the pain of the ones that had lost their family or a friend there. I think it’s terrible because that’s not the fault of Nature, that’s an error of somebody who always thought to money and not to people. I felt like somebody of them because I thought: “if I had been there?”. In a second moment I started thinking about being the person in charge of the dam.  At the end of the film there was a sentence that I liked most: “I will not forgive the responsibles of all that!!!!”. I liked it because that small sentence summed up all the pain of those people. Francesco


The Vajont tragedy is striking because many people died. This happened because men were interested only in making money. They didn’t take into consideration the huge risk of building a dam over a valley, full of people living there. This tragedy could have been avoided if someone had the courage to tell what was going on. In my opinion this catastrophe should make man understand the force of Nature and to give more importance to people’s life in contrast to their interests. Marco




mercoledì 16 ottobre 2013


Il momento più particolare che ho vissuto durante l’estate è stato un pomeriggio in Inghilterra.

Ero in giardino, una distesa di erba verde e rigogliosa, dove le farfalle e gli uccellini svolazzavano tra i rami degli alberi, dove gli scoiattoli si nascondevano tra i cespugli pungenti di bacche rosse.

Ero a giocare sotto il sole cocente, la testa mi scottava, la luce era forte tanto da non riuscire a tenere gli occhi aperti, il mio corpo era appesantito e accaldato, io ero confusa, mi girava la testa, da un momento all’altro sarei potuta svenire, avevo tanta sete; mi sembrava di essere in un deserto infinito.

Tutto girava intorno a me nulla era fermo, io cercavo l’ombra, ma le mie ricerche finirono invano, disperse tra la mia disperazione.

Fortunatamente dopo venti lunghissimi minuti il gioco finì, io mi trascinai sotto il grande abete color verde intenso, pieno di piccole pigne.

Mi sentivo rinascere: quell’ombra fresca, quella brezza rilassante e rigenerante, quel silenzio meraviglioso, gli alberi, il vento, i fiori profumati e colorati e gli uccellini  parlavano tra di loro; un discorso allegro e colorato, pacifico, pieno di sorrisi.

Recuperai le forze e corsi alla fontanella di metallo grigiastro, presi un bicchiere d’acqua fresca e limpida.

Tornai all’albero, mi sdraiai tra i fili d’erba che mi solleticavano le braccia e le gambe, mentre la brezza mi scompigliava i capelli, tra gli immensi rami dell’abete si intravedeva il colore azzurro del cielo terso.

Mi guardavo intorno e vedevo le dolci forme delle colline rattoppate da campi, orti e frutteti perfettamente compatti e simmetrici.

Ero rilassata e ogni tanto sorseggiavo un po’ di quell’acqua fresca, dopo qualche minuto mi si avvicinò un pettirosso e rimase lì a guardarmi perplesso, ma poco dopo volò via libero nel cielo.

In quel momento stavo bene, il mio corpo era leggero, libero e fresco, la mia testa era senza pensieri, l’energia mi era tornata ma ero comunque stanca, chiusi gli occhi mi lasciai trasportare dai suoni della natura.

Si fece tardi: il sole diventò un’enorme palla rossa, il colore del cielo era rosa violaceo con delle sfumature azzurre, misteriosamente apparirono delle imponenti nuvole nere e minacciose, i piedi delle colline erano in penombra, l’aria cominciava ad essere più frizzante, si percepiva un odore di umido.

Infatti dopo pochi secondi il cielo si fece scuro color verdognolo, la pioggia cominciò a precipitare, da un lieve ticchettio a uno scroscio infinito, i fulmini erano l’unica cosa che illuminava il cielo, i tuoni sembravano tamburi che creavano un rumore assordante.

Le tenebre oscure si impossessarono del giardino, che da un deserto si trasformò in un posto pauroso pieno di pozzanghere, pieno di fanghiglia che ti catturava le gambe, ingoiandole senza pietà nella sua gola.

Io cercai di evitare quelle pozzanghere correndo più veloce che potevo, ormai ero bagnata, infreddolita, tremavo come una foglia, però oltre la fitta pioggia intravidi la casa dove alloggiavo, a quel punto corsi ancora più velocemente e arrivai.

Ero finalmente a casa, ero al caldo accogliente del mio letto, ero salva dalla luce e dalle tenebre, dal caldo estenuante e dal freddo pungente.

                                                                                                                   Eleonora 2^C